Beautiful seasons weather HD v2.01 نسخة مدفوعة رائعة اخر اصدار بتاريه 16 يناير

Beautiful seasons weather HD v2.01 نسخة مدفوعة رائعة
اخر اصدار بتاريخ 16 يناير

  • A wide range of ten display variations can be set in an automated or manual update mode.
  • Beautiful weather effects ranging from rain, wet snow, sun, clouds, air temperature can be displayed in Celsius or Fahrenheit.
  • Effects like smoke, meteor, stars, birds, dirigible, boat, and time of the day are reflected automatically through out the day.
Captivating landscape with gracious tall mountains and deep blue ocean, breathtaking freely floating clouds on your screen. A dirigible is freely drifting through the sky. Enjoy live updates of the weather forecast and watch the scenery reflect the changes from a bright sunny day to fragile snowflakes and enormous moon in the background. A customized approach with myriads of variations to admire for a keen eye.
Required Android O/S : 2.1+

Screenshots :

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